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Runes Studio has expertise in
top-down games with stylish


In Goblin Gladiators, you are transported to the ancient city of Palati and more precisely to the great coliseum in the heart of the city. It is in this great arena that the fights of the goblin gladiators are organized.

You will be one of the many fighters in the arena and you will have to fight in groups of 3 to defeat the 3 other teams present with you in the arena! Each gladiator has his own abilities to help your team win.

The goal ? Be the last team alive in the arena !


The game takes place in an alternative mythological world where the player walks through the ruins of cities and the remains of its population devastated by the Veil and the god Erebus’ lieutenants.

In order to cleanse the corruptions from the humans, Sylv has to hunt down the lieutenants of the god Erebus, who each embody a chapter of the Ruin of mankind.

Sylv travels the devastated environment that the world has become. Her goal is to find the source of the evil to save the nature.